Pierside Drummers & Audience

Brian Moore

The drummers are there most weekends pounding a hypnotic rhythm with their bongos and tambourines.

Took these shots last Sunday with my Polaroid 230 Automatic Land Camera and my last two frames of Fuji FP100B, which I'll probably never shoot again because Fuji has stopped making this emulsion. (Shame on you Fuji!)


I find these really interesting to look at and somehow their technical flaws exposure-wise seems to work with the image.
Thanks Paul. What are the exposure flaws? (Not disputing, just curious what you see. For me the blown highlights are the main thing. What else, though. Thanks again, Paul.)
Love the softness of the trees and the various groups of (linked) activity in the first (especially the young lad on the right - go on, say you hadn't noticed her until now! :) ). I guess I can see what Paul is referring to as the shadows are slightly blocked but I suspect that is in the nature of the print and would need teasing out, maybe from the negative. It certainly looks like it has the range, even in the JPEG.

Sorry Brian, just noticed your reply. Pete has already mentioned the lack of darker shadow tones and you mentioned the blown out highlights. Not that these are deleterious to the image, I meant that they are a part of it and a good part at that.
Sorry Brian, just noticed your reply. Pete has already mentioned the lack of darker shadow tones and you mentioned the blown out highlights. Not that these are deleterious to the image, I meant that they are a part of it and a good part at that.
Oh, OK. Thanks, Paul.