Julian de'Courcy

Well-Known Member
End of the Pilchard season here for some.
The ring net boats here are all taking their gear ashore and equipping the boats with net haulers ready to net the wrecks. This is not due to the lack of pilchards, but their oil content. The season starts when the pilchards oil content is at around eighteen percent, each catch is monitored by the factories , gradually as the season approaches the new year the oil content drops until the last catch last week it had dropped to a one percent content and the factories halt the processing. This boat was having it's wreck net hauler put back aboard, so they will be shooting nets on the numerous wrecks in the channel, which harbour a lot of fish.
Meanwhile the smaller inshore boats who's catch are for the fish mongers display, will carry on the task.

1 by JULIAN de Courcy, on Flickr

MEVA by JULIAN de Courcy, on Flickr

MEVA by JULIAN de Courcy, on Flickr

MEVA by JULIAN de Courcy, on Flickr
I'm with Pete and Rob on their comments, Julian. Its a true learning experience you provide. You're showing us a slice of English fishing village life. (The images have the look of the Merrills--the colour [@Rob MacKillop:)] images in particular.)
I'm so glad you are on this forum, Julian, both for your great photography and your insights into a fishing community. Great stuff. Love the last one especially.
Thank you kind sir and likewise I do enjoy the company of all within this forum. Although the numbers are not large somehow it is better for that.
Yes I like this last one. Peter Moor the young local boat builder. Young, as his father John is in his eighties yet still in the yard most days or on Frazier's slip where the repairs are done.
I'm with Pete and Rob on their comments, Julian. Its a true learning experience you provide. You're showing us a slice of English fishing village life. (The images have the look of the Merrills--the colour [@Rob MacKillop:)] images in particular.)
Thank you Brian. Yes I struggle now with any other digital camera. It is a shame, now and again I take out the E-M5 in hope, but it does not cut the treacle when I open the files. Somehow with all the peculiarities the Merrill's achieve, for me they deliver for such ventures around the quay side. Although the old 5DMK2 is also superb and a good alternative, it is a hell of a chunk to carry around.
Having said that I've many superb images with the Olympus and a lot of fun.
Lovely set Julian I must admit I prefer the B+W I don't know why I guess I think its to do with the subject matter and B+W suits the subject. Really nice images and a great insight into pilchard fishing I would have never known there was a season for fishing pilchards and because of the oil content.
Thanks for sharing and informing.
Lovely set Julian I must admit I prefer the B+W I don't know why I guess I think its to do with the subject matter and B+W suits the subject. Really nice images and a great insight into pilchard fishing I would have never known there was a season for fishing pilchards and because of the oil content.
Thanks for sharing and informing.
Thanks Martin. Yes there is a season for most fish. Yet the smaller boats who are catching say a hundred kilo or so of pilchards will fish late into spring. They fetch at market slightly lower or above a pound a kilo. This amount of fish though are taken from the net into ice tubs. Large tubs most often used hold fifty or so kilo, they are insulated with a lid. Six inches of ice is put in the bottom and the pilchards go in with sea water. This allows the fish to stay at two about two degrees c. The water helps to keep the fish separated and afloat so no squashing. The condition of these fish is superb and can be sold over the counter. I am not certain but I think the ring net fish is primarily caught for the oil as the nets can catch several ton each shoot and many of the boats will land seven to ten tons each evening. Such large catches of a soft fish like pilchards means a lot get very damaged.
Well to give you any more superlatives now, may have an opposite effect on your ego:rolleyes:, so I'll only concurr with everyone. On the other hand, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to wander about in some parts of your vicinity and absorb the colourful environment I think it is, whom someone strongly opposed at some time. I am also grateful for being able to spend a too short a time with this photographer whom I have only admiration for. Wish that such a visit could be done again some time. Keep up the good work mate and take care.
Well to give you any more superlatives now, may have an opposite effect on your ego:rolleyes:, so I'll only concurr with everyone. On the other hand, I am grateful that I had the opportunity to wander about in some parts of your vicinity and absorb the colourful environment I think it is, whom someone strongly opposed at some time. I am also grateful for being able to spend a too short a time with this photographer whom I have only admiration for. Wish that such a visit could be done again some time. Keep up the good work mate and take care.
Thank you my friend. Yes it is certainly very dramatic and grey of late, so you are not missing a lot.
Thank you my friend. Yes it is certainly very dramatic and grey of late, so you are not missing a lot.
I am very sorry if my first comments may have been grasped as sarcasm and therefore appears as malice! That was not intended, but merely meant as a joke, Julian. A silly one I dare say in the aftermath of things. Again I am sorry if that is the case for my poor choice of words.:( I do apologise. Being colourful can be interpreted in so many ways:D In your country and mine, it seems a little bleak these days.
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I am very sorry if my first comments may have been grasped as sarcasm and therefore appears as malice! That was not intended, but merely meant as a joke, Julian. A silly one I dare say in the aftermath of things. Again I am sorry if that is the case for my poor choice of words.:( I do apologise. Being colourful can be interpreted in so many ways:D In your country and mine, it seems a little bleak these days.
Yes I read it correctly no worries. Bleak? It is yucky and horrid here bordering on depressing, but hey the colours shall show themselves and that yellow blob will show itself soon.