This is Rob. Rob plays bass in a post punk band called Wolf Bites Boy. The shot was taken in some seedy, back street alley in Grimsby's Freeman Street.
Sadly Rob I don't think he does. Me on the other hand, I love it, it is so like him and shows him in the context of the band he plays with. I am continually surprised at how people see themselves in away that the camera clearly doesn't.
That is (an apparently) characterful shot there, Shaun. I especially like the way the light is making him squint a bit. Adds a lot. And the 'cropped' framing. I always feel it adds intimacy.
Yeah I love cropping these kind of shots to an almost panoramic letter box. Sometimes there is just too much space and as you said, it adds intimacy. Personally, this is one of my favourite character shots out of the many I have taken.