
Taken with the Olympus trip I forgot to mention, and a bit of split toning added. :)
Nice depth of field Dan and nice PP, love the blown highlight as well. It may be an issue of the Jpeg conversion but there is some banding on the bright spot on the right hand side. I find banding a real pain in the arse and seems worse when working with tiffs.
I think it's a beautiful portrait and like Julian, the simplicity really suits the subject. As banding has been mentioned, may I ask how people deal with it? Before I moved to full PS and 16 bit, I suffered with some banding in the (cloudy) sky on my trip to Yorkshire. I tried to retouch and for the most part it worked, but I found it really difficult to shift. The heal tool seemed to carry the pattern over. In the end I think I cloned 30% from here and 50% from there until it blended away, but I still have nightmares about finding it again...
I think shoot raw wherever possible and edit at 16 bit is the key to controlling banding etc even if your intended output is JPEG. I guess the problem Dan had was that the file was a JPEG from the scanner. Converting that to 16 bit would not have given any more information but might have helped during editing as all of the interpolation etc would have been performed using more 'steps'.
I think shoot raw wherever possible and edit at 16 bit is the key to controlling banding etc even if your intended output is JPEG. I guess the problem Dan had was that the file was a JPEG from the scanner. Converting that to 16 bit would not have given any more information but might have helped during editing as all of the interpolation etc would have been performed using more 'steps'.

There is another way to deal with banding, have a screen of my quality, cannot see any banding what ever :D
I sort of see what you mean about banding. I had no idea how to control it. You're right though Pete, it is a Jpeg scan.
Okay, how's this edit?
It's Kodak Gold film just converted to black and white
No chocolate bar I'm afraid Allen, just a few cleaning chores :)
I think I know what the issue is.
When I uploaded the image via my iPhone to Flickr, I had a look at a few upload presets and liked the one in the first image at the time, not realising it would add a banding to it. The 'original' image prior to the upload preset is the second one, in which after all of this, I prefer.