Shame about no camera in the post. You know you need to ask in a nicer wayYes Julian, you are right on all accounts except no postman brings me any camera. We have three camera shops within a 10 km radius. Yes I am expecting a new camera when I have decided which one to buy. Awaiting an offer on fuji xt1. It's finally got updates that makes it real good and at a much lower price. The wind in that speed makes the face of the postman quite red.
Shame about no camera in the post. You know you need to ask in a nicer wayYes Julian, you are right on all accounts except no postman brings me any camera. We have three camera shops within a 10 km radius. Yes I am expecting a new camera when I have decided which one to buy. Awaiting an offer on fuji xt1. It's finally got updates that makes it real good and at a much lower price. The wind in that speed makes the face of the postman quite red.
I won't go into whether you are wimps, but I should not rule it out completely When it comes to xtrans and smudge, you are right to one extent. The jpegs out of e-x2. On the xt1 it has not been discovered as far as I know. We'll have to see about that, and on my former ex1, there was no such thing. Just on selfies! But I have missed that one a lot, except for the viewfinder. With the last firmware update, the xt1 has become revolutionarily good. Just look at Chris's fashion photography. Well I have ordered one and its 18-55mm/f2,8-4 which I have had before and which I found very good. Maybe a 27mm shall be added since I like a 40mmFF more convenient than 35mm or 50mm. It shall arrive before week-end they tell me. Another toy for a little boy, so light, so lean and fine, it's going to be mineShame about no camera in the post. You know you need to ask in a nicer way
My experience on motor bikes in even the slight cold was the shock of just how that wind speed created by travelling even at 50 or 60 kmh took the temperature so low. On one occasion without gloves I needed too stop on an icy day and put my socks over my hands, with plastic bags I was getting so cold. But then as you know us southerners are all wimps perhaps.
I was always going to buy and still look at the Fuji camera's. I know there are though and acknowledged by ardent fans problems with the smudged that can be evident in some images especially Jpegs with the xtrans sensor. But everything else about them is sound.
I do quite the idea of the SonyA7's there are a few of the first iterations that go for decent prices second hand. Even though carrying a full frame sensor, they are incredibly small. As small as the latest Panasonic m4/3rds .
But hey hoy nearly got a Ricoh GR the other day. So hard this life of decisions. What a privileged time we live in in many ways.
Rapper boy also I'd like one. A Fuji that is, Fine camera's.I won't go into whether you are wimps, but I should not rule it out completely When it comes to xtrans and smudge, you are right to one extent. The jpegs out of e-x2. On the xt1 it has not been discovered as far as I know. We'll have to see about that, and on my former ex1, there was no such thing. Just on selfies! But I have missed that one a lot, except for the viewfinder. With the last firmware update, the xt1 has become revolutionarily good. Just look at Chris's fashion photography. Well I have ordered one and its 18-55mm/f2,8-4 which I have had before and which I found very good. Maybe a 27mm shall be added since I like a 40mmFF more convenient than 35mm or 50mm. It shall arrive before week-end they tell me. Another toy for a little boy, so light, so lean and fine, it's going to be mine