Question re Canon FD 1.8 lens

Stan Hesketh

Well-Known Member
A question if I may regarding the Canon fd 1.8 lens as used on both my T50 and T90. In the following pics there is some blur to the right hand side. I have noticed this lens does this on both bodies when at mid focus. It seems fine close up and at infinity. I only paid a pittance for it so it is no big deal, but am curious as to this effect? Something out of alignment in lens maybe? Or am I seeing a problem that isn't really a problem? I find it an excellent lens (apart from this), and if there is a fault will likely buy another.
Many thanks.

That looks to me like a problem with that particular lens, Stan. I have that same lens. I don't recall seeing any such aberrations in the pics I've taken with it.
Thanks for replies.
Looking at it, it looks perfect but looking through the viewfinder it does appear to be slightly out of focus at the r/h side. I'll guess it has been dropped at some stage in its career. Not to worry it didn't cost much, and I will find another one.