Critique Welcomed Ready For The Day

I love history and I have read a lot about Ancient Rome and the Roman occupation of Britain. Bennachie is reputed to be a possible site of the Battle of Mons Graupius. I've wondered about that often. Love seeing Bennachie. It's a bonnie fotie as well, Dougie!
What did Calgacus, the Pictish General, reputedly say about the Romans? "You create a desert, and call it Peace". Heavy stuff.
Brian, I thought they had no idea where Mons Graupius was? Sounds like Grampian Mountains. I'm just fishing round in my brain for scraps of half-remembered bits I read 20 years or so ago.
What did Calgacus, the Pictish General, reputedly say about the Romans? "You create a desert, and call it Peace". Heavy stuff.
Brian, I thought they had no idea where Mons Graupius was? Sounds like Grampian Mountains. I'm just fishing round in my brain for scraps of half-remembered bits I read 20 years or so ago.
And do you know what Agricola, the Roman general, said in response to Calgacus' remark? According to the historian Tacitus, Agricola pithily remarked, "Peacium myum arsium!" a Latin phrase, much in vogue among the Roman nobility of the time, intended to convey disdain. :)

Rob I think you are correct; they really don't know where the battle took place. That's why I said Bennachie was a ruputed site.
Thanks fella's...that light only lasted a few minutes before it flattened out...a case of right place-right time...:-)