Brian Moore

I had posted a few images previously from a dance show I shot pictures at back in February.
The lighting was really challenging (at least it was for me). The red was especially so. I've played around in P/S with the color/hue/saturation/vibrance/exposure/fill light/recovery/luminance/sharpen and more. Finally I think I have gotten as close as I'm going to get, but honestly I would like my red in the second picture below to be more like the first one in tone. (I want the picture to be as true as possible to the choreographer's intent.) I just can't seem to get there, though.
I decided to try a B&W conversion, too. That's the 3rd fotie below.
Any advice, criticism, observation, remark, etc., is welcome.
Out of the camera

2215 before by brian-moore, on Flickr
Cropped and adjusted

2215 after by brian-moore, on Flickr
Cropped and adjusted Black & White

2215 bw by brian-moore, on Flickr