Lots of layers here, Steve. The sky - those clouds! - looks like an add-in, so unconnected is it with what lies beneath. The building and reflection are great, but I'm wondering about that weird purple thing on the right, which featured in Concentration. What IS it?
That is just superb, Steve. I absolutely love it. And you know it reminds me of the lyric of a song by REM, "Give me a truck stop instead of St Peter's". Here is the landscape equivalent.
Which REM song is that, Pete? I used to like the band, and saw them perform at an open-air gig in Edinburgh. That was 20 years ago, and I've lost touch with them since.
Which REM song is that, Pete? I used to like the band, and saw them perform at an open-air gig in Edinburgh. That was 20 years ago, and I've lost touch with them since.
That is just superb, Steve. I absolutely love it. And you know it reminds me of the lyric of a song by REM, "Give me a truck stop instead of St Peter's". Here is the landscape equivalent.