Critique Welcomed Reservoir

Nice shot, Aldous. The people in the image really provide scale. It never occurred to me to wonder where Honk Kong's water comes from. (And why should it after all?) I guess it comes as a mild surprise that HK should have such reserves as this. I thought it much too small. Looks like the level of the reservoir is 10 or 20 feet below normal levels. Drought?
Nice shot, Aldous. The people in the image really provide scale. It never occurred to me to wonder where Honk Kong's water comes from. (And why should it after all?) I guess it comes as a mild surprise that HK should have such reserves as this. I thought it much too small. Looks like the level of the reservoir is 10 or 20 feet below normal levels. Drought?
Thanks Brian. There are couples of reservoirs over here. At the same time Hong Kong import water from China as well. So we don't have drought issue for over 25 years
Love this image Aldous, the place looks so calm and can imagine finding a spot away from anyone and settling down for a while in peace and quiet.
A lovely image and wonderful colours and to me it looks as if it has been drained to a certain level lower than normal. Consumtion of water has been plenty it seems. We regulate our reservoirs that way too. Sometimes to prevent flood and sometimes because we sell electricity to the Swedes, Danes and Germans.