Risk assessment

Laurence Cremetti

Well-Known Member

I need a good but basic risk assessment template to submit to an event client. Since I dont use tripods, mains power etc at this type of event, I never use a risk assessment, nor have I ever been asked for one, until now.

Anyone know of a suitable event photography RA template, please?
... who has asked for a risk assessment?
Lunacy! I assume you have adequate insurance?
My advice, for the tiny amount of money it costs to become a member of the chamber of commerce, do that and seek advice from them, they will probably have a templete!
Hi Hamish!!

I'd better not say who, but I will tell you that I'm in my third year shooting the events for this organisation. Suddenly, a change of management has meant a change in policy. Also, Public Liability is now requested at 5 million. Previously, 1 was enough.

Red tape. Great.
Btw, you are in the Gloucestershire area, aren't you????
Sounds a bit daft. Lol.
I work a lot round Gloucestershire on a weekly basis.... I might drop by.
Where you at Laurence? :)