Rollei Crossbird and XA3

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
You never know what you are going to get with the "Creative editions" from Rollei. Lots of greens and yellows with this one, good grain. I like some of these shots! Apologies for putting ten or so shots in one post...but all are unedited. In no particular order:

1. I should put this one in the self-reflecting thread: The door was off-white.

Self Reflected.jpg

2. Interesting to compare this one with the Merrill DP1 shots I took the other day: HERE for colour, and HERE for black and white.

No Miracles.jpg

3. Edinburgh Castle in the distance. From my local park.

Castle View.jpg

4. Cramond Beach.


5. Princes Street Gardens. I love the greens here, but the blue sky just looks odd by comparison:

Princes Street Gardens.jpg

6. Edinburgh Castle with strange yellow outline. How could this happen?


7. "Set the controls for the heart of the sun"

Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun.jpg

8. First of three shots of a homeless-persons shelter in Princess Street Gardens:

Shelter 2.jpg

9. Bars

Shelter 1.jpg

10. Beds

Shelter 3.jpg
Very good set, Rob. No idea what that shadow is though - I'd have thought it too big to be some sort of anti-halation artefact. Is it on the transparency itself? There's a bit on the upper left of shot of the gardens.

Those greens and oranges in the last couple are gorgeous and I really like the compositions, especially the last. The heart of the sun is another stunner I reckon and I really like the colours in the shots of the beach and the park. All-in-all a success I reckon. What do you think?
Like you, I'm impressed with the last two - the deep greens and beautiful reds. If not for those, I would have bemoaned the fact that the film achieved for me the same effect as when I left a yellow filter on a lens while shooting colour. It's all a bit much. But there are good moments here and there. Nice to be shooting film again, though.