Sat. PM X100

I was at the vet with Sadie last week. While waiting I was reviewing all the doggy portraits on the walls. I was comparing them to your work, Steve. There were one or two good ones--actually, they were all good, but a couple were really good. None, however, came close in quality to the stuff you post on a regular basis. The above set is just another sampling of your quality canine images, Steve. I think maybe canine portraiture is a genre in search of a master. Steve, are that master.

Thanks for the kind words. Brian I'm sure your tongue was firmly planted. ;) I apologize for posting so many dog pictures. I know..... I said was going to stop.... It's sort of sickness I guess........:p Actually I just don't have much time for anything else so they get a lot of photo-ops. Now if I could just figure out a way to make a living off dog photos/my love of Stanley Kubrick and Miles Davis I would be as they say in the Southern US "in the high cotton!" I'm off for the next two weeks. That's the trade off in working in Education- low pay for time off. I'm hoping to actually take a picture of something else besides my dogs. Right now Stanley (the lab mix) is almost 12. He's has been such a great friend to me. I got him at a very low point in my life and in some ways he saved my life. So, he will be present no matter where I'm at. I tried taking a vacation one time without him and was miserable from the first hour. I guess I'm kind of weird. I sort of ended up with Hugo and Ruby because I couldn't find homes for them. Aside from trips to the Emergency Vet, they have been pretty doggone good dogs.