Critique Welcomed Secret Roses

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
And now for something completely different (NOT) ... another IR shot with the new toy. Roses as not seen with the naked eye, but with near infrared (hence the title).

Secret Roses by Keith Hollister, on Flickr
What an image Keith! I like the soft focus and the contrast. What was your idea with the cropping?

Thanks, I didn't crop it, I framed it the way when I took it. I like the bit of asymmetry in the image along with the black empty space which balances the limited tones of the flowers. Clipping a tiny bit off the left-most rose was a mistake. I thought I framed it to avoid that, but suspect the wind may have blown the branch over a bit when I took the image. It was breezy yesterday. I briefly considered cropping the right side in a bit but that just seemed to make the clipping on the left all that more obvious.

I would probably have oriented the camera a little more CCW (and not clipped of the petals) but still made it asymmetric if I had a do-over.
Beautiful, Keith! Not a million miles away from some I've done, but your has that wonderful IR quality. Very nice. 'Tis a pity about the edge clip.
Obviously I could, but I tried that first and didn't like it. Oh well, there's always something that separates us from perfection.
There is something to it that I really can't explain, but I like the feeling of it and I do not care about the little clipping on the left, which is not at all significant to me. There are times when the simplicity of few colours pleases me:) as here. What by the way is perfect in this world? Nothing but the nature before it's meddled with, by human beings!