Very nice Asun. And one I hadn't seen before Love the contrast between the shiny shoes and the 'bump'. It makes a really nice change from the usual approach and I can imagine she loved it.
Great shot Asun
I love the setting, the shinney floor works really well!
Id like to see it without the vignette, I think it might suit the cleanness of the setting ...
That said, I can see why you have done it, id probably have done it too :/
The second one is pretty amusing, nice to have a date to relate the image too I think!
How far gone is she?
These were taken last year Hamish and, believe it or not, she was due just one week after the shoot! She would have killed you if you said she had a small bump
Thanks, as always for your comments Maybe I'll try it without the vignette... one of these days when I'm not feeling too lazy!