Shots from my sub £10 Camera

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
I shall post a blog post about the Olympus AF-10 Super in the not too distant future. for now here are some photos. The first one being my chosen entry for the sub £10 camera challenge. In case anyone is interested, I thought since I shoot a lot of photos with this sort of camera I should up the ante for myself and buy a camera, film and process it for less than £10.
Camera £1
Film £6.99
Process to cd £2
£9.99 all in ;)

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

Olympus AF-10 Super by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
That first shot is bloody brilliant! I like all the others too. I wish you had more time, Hamish, to post here, as your photography is always very good to...bloody brilliant. Love the guy's reflection in the Seats and Sofas shot, looking not unlike the small statue. They're all good, and the camera seems to have done its job admirably.

I can't believe you did the whole thing, including film, CD and development for under a tenner - incredible.
Wonderful stuff Hamish. And I echo Rob's words, you should post here more!

That first is a true classic I think. It captures so much of this wonderfully English pastime.

Reflection superb. Complete with evil clown.

Connie, gorgeous.

And finally, you either have a HUGE sofa, or Hannah is tiny! ;)
I've just been out shooting 36 amazing shots with the XA3 and XP2, and got them transferred to CD. Only now that I'm sitting at my computer ready to view them do I realise that Boots have given me someone else's photos! A bunch of hippies getting stoned around a camp fire...
Damn. I have to go back into town...Oh, I'll leave it until tomorrow. I do seem to have the proper negatives....