
I think the top distracts me, Paul. When I first opened it, I found an immediate interest value, but all I was seeing at first was the top half. I scrolled down to find the couple and when I did they seemed too close to the edge. Scrolling up and down I found I liked the top half and I liked the bottom half, but the two halves together rendered the couple almost incidental to the image.

Am I making sense or just havering on here...? (Probably the latter I suppose; and yet I will continue.)

What if you crop it square, removing the top third? Or even crop the top half away? I think that might give the couple a more significant role in the composition.
I think it is a fair point that you made Brian. Cropping the top does add more emphasis on the figures. I would have liked them a bit further from the edge too but if I recall correctly there was a distracting lamp post or flag pole in the way.