Critique Welcomed Silver River In Infrared

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
Another IR shot from Silver Springs, this time further down the river. X-E2, XF14mm and Hoya 720nm IR filter.

Oh, I think that is so beautiful, Keith. It has a beautiful sheen to it. Beautiful composition too!

I know nothing about IR photography. I've just checked your Hoya 720nm filter on Amazon, and they have an amusing description:

Product Description
Used for photography with infrared films. R72 passes only infrared rays above 720nm. RM90 passes only that above 900nm. Often used in crime detection, medical photography, detection of distribution of vegetation, etc.

So, I could use this with my XE1. Just buy a filter. But what film should I use?
Thanks, Rob
That is very effective Keith and a fine composition too. I like it very much.

Product Description
Used for photography with infrared films. R72 passes only infrared rays above 720nm. RM90 passes only that above 900nm. Often used in crime detection, medical photography, detection of distribution of vegetation, etc.

So, I could use this with my XE1. Just buy a filter. But what film should I use?

A stolen one of course!
Eh? Oh, the crime detection bit! Had me there for a second, Pete :)

But seriously, does it work with any film?

I've just read online that it doesn't work with the 18-55mm lens on the XE1...a big white circle in the middle. Boo...
No, you need to use IR sensitive film. Very few types now available and a pain to handle. And the issue with focus shift. Even though many sensors have an IR block filter over them they are sensitive to near IR and so you get an IR effect when you use a filter that blocks everything below a certain wavelength out. You can also have some cameras modified to record IR and some do so natively (notably the Leica M8).
Thanks, Pete - appreciate the kind words.

IR and film is about done for. I'm not sure if anything is still made. I know the Kodak IR film I used to use was obsoleted several years ago.

And, yes, the 18-55 Fujinon is a no-go for IR. I have been using the 14mm. I believe I read that the 35mm is OK too. Not sure about the rest.
Rollei still make some B&W IR film and there is a colour emulsion out there somewhere.

I was about to say I had never seen Rollei film over here until I realized it is a licensing deal with what remains of Agfa-Gevaert after the Agfa Photo brand imploded several years ago. I have no idea why they thought it was a wise expenditure of money to license the Rollei name for the remaining film product instead of Agfa. Probably why they are a shadow of their former selves :) Agfa was a much more recognized brand here than Rollei, especially in film/paper