Simple Portrait

It is nice to see you casually in front of the clutter that I presume you have collected over the years. It is a reference to you and I can see the instruments on top of the unit, the photographs, pictures, books etc. Maybe it would be a good thing to see your eyes a little lighter and maybe also the painting too? Just an idea really.
You are right, Paul. My eyes look weird! And what is that painting? Back to the drawing board. So easy to miss the obvious when doing self portraits.
I like it Rob and actually I quite like that your eyes are hard to see, it makes the pose quite contemplative. The clutter is great (and reminiscent of the room from which I write this!) and, as Paul says, tells a tale. And the painting is darkly mysterious.
What's all this talk about clutter? Susan would agree with you, but I know where everything is, and I know instantly when something has been moved. It just couldn't be any other way :D

Susan knitted the sleeveless cardie - I love it!
Rob like it a lot but can see the improvement ideas mentioned by all. I would add I like the picture on the wall as it is, I can make out a faint figure, and the enigmatic quality is good as is a bit of a statement as to where photography is. The vignette is a bit strong , a reflector, be it a sheet of A1 paper or a white sheet would be enough to lighten up your right side, just enough.

Having said that, if of course if I was a handsome as yourself I would be pretty pleased with the outcome. O and I concur with the clutter, one man's clutter is another man's mess. ( there must be a proper saying).