Singing in the Rain

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm really wary of posting this with Dave and Glen around, but as our first adult swallow put in an appearance yesterday, it seems a good time.

I don't photograph wildlife. I have one lens to go with the Sony and its a kit zoom (16mm-105mm). It's an OK lens, but I know it isn't meant for wildlife. What I take at home is purely to record the incredible animals and birds that visit. I can get very close to some of them because they are silly tame.

The other year our baby swallows left the field shelter for the first time in the rain. They perched on the fence between our fields. I rushed indoors to get my camera thinking it would be a waste of time. There is no cover at all and I had to creep towards them in full view. I got to around 5 feet before taking this and they stuck around to let me take a few more.

No need to be wary that's a nice shot. I like that you can see the rain falling too...