B&W Landscape Skeletal

@Chris Bennett thank you! I’d assumed it was ivy growth, but upon closer inspection of the original file I think you’re right (I probably didn’t pay sufficient attention at the time lol). In looking at my original jpeg, which would have been converted from raw in lightroom, I noticed quite a lot of noise and smeared detail in the b+w version, so out of curiosity I tried a mono conversion through Raw Therapee…. wow, what a difference. Virtually all that noise gone and much better detail retrieval. Not sure where I went wrong first time round.. 🤔😲 still, it was a while ago☺️
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@Chris Bennett thank you! I’d assumed it was ivy growth, but upon closer inspection of the original file I think you’re right (I probably didn’t pay sufficient attention at the time lol). In looking at my original jpeg, which would have been converted from raw in lightroom, I noticed quite a lot of noise and smeared detail in the b+w version, so out of curiosity I tried a mono conversion through Raw Therapee…. wow, what a difference. Virtually all that noise gone and much better detail retrieval. Not sure where I went wrong first time round.. 🤔😲 still, it was a while ago☺️
It paid off in the end.
@Pete Askew thank you. No filters, just a b+w conversion from a full colour raw file using the tools available in lightroom and probably then a little dodging/burning in pse6. It was taken a while ago, though, so I’m not 100% on exactly what I did. This is a small version of the original conversion rather than my latest version that I tried out of curiosity, as mentioned above, converting the raw file in Raw Therapee. It’s not exactly the easiest software to get your head around (and my understanding of it is quite basic, although I need to use for converting raw files from my Fuji scanning camera), but it can give superb results.