South Bridge, Edinburgh

Thanks, Pete. It was a quick snap while crossing the road. I sensed the two guys appearing, and managed to get them close. Quite pleased about that because, although a foreground feature, it doesn't seem to take away from the background.
I am sometimes too lazy and judge an image on my pad here, not remembering to enlarge it and therefore my assessment does not come out as it shall. I am glad I remembered to see this enlarged, so therefore I can truly say that I like it and have even walked there. Well done Rob.
I'm with Pete, the inclusion of the bearded and hooded pedestrian was makes the image...nice.
I envy folk's like yourself who, in an instant, can see that "image" unfold in front of them and capture it without takes me hours sometimes just to decide what I want to photograph...and I guess that's where cameras like the Merrill and the Leica come into their own...
Don't envy laziness, Dougie! I just can't be bothered spending a long time choosing and setting up a shot. I want to capture an image the moment I see it. The Merrils might not be the camera of choice when it comes to freezing moving objects, but they certainly give high-quality captures for a pocket camera.

I'm also too lazy to lug around a bigger camera and two or three lenses. Even my 35mm cameras are fixed-lens.

I used to think it must be a zen-like experience, spending time choosing a subject, spending time walking around it, looking from all angles, considering at what time of day it would look at its best, choosing the lens, camera settings, etc. and I still like that idea. But it's also very zen-like to see and react instantly, then move on. But, not being a Zen Buddhist, I might be talking nonsense! And probably am...
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea - Buddha ;)
I think it's very well said Rob and a way I kind of operate too in regard to action and gear. But forgive me for my assumption, but don't you carry around 3 Merlins?:eek: