Critique Welcomed St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol

adrian jordin

Well-Known Member

image1805_001 by jordin57, on Flickr

The church of St Mary Redcliffe was constructed from the 12th to the 15th centuries and is a Grade 1 listed building. It is renowned for the beauty of its Gothic architecture, and was described by Queen Elizabeth I as
"the fairest, goodliest, and most famous parish church in England."

The 292 ft (89 m) spire is the third tallest of England's parish churches.

A slightly less gothic view, from the other side of the church...

image1805_003 by jordin57, on Flickr

This is the ceiling of the main entrance...

image1805_002 by jordin57, on Flickr

...and the interior...

image1805_004 by jordin57, on Flickr
love the full gothic and the inside, very special
Lovely looking church! You got some lovely images of it there, I think the last ones my fav!
Thanks, guys...
The other thing I like about this church are the gargolyles, I'll have to do a series of them at some point.
I really like the first and last shots in the sequence. The exterior view of the first shot takes my eye from the ground right up the steeple into the sky and the detail and contrast you brought out is very good.

The last interior shot might be my favorite. I'd play with removing the lens distortion to bring the lines of the columns more parallel with one another. In Photoshop there is a Filter > Distort > Lens Distortion that will let you move a slider to accomplish what I'm suggesting. Not us if you use photoshopp though, ;)