Street - Father and Daughter

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
Prattle away said Hamish. OK - here goes...

I flew up to Edinburgh a few years ago for the Make Poverty History demonstration. To take part, that is. Taking photographs was an added bonus. Now does anybody else do this? I got myself in such a state just thinking about doing candid shots that I took one before realising I hadn't even turned the camera on. I literally had to take myself off and lock myself into a portaloo where I proceeded to give myself a very stern talking to. :D

Then I went back to the crowds and things were just fine. I spotted this lovely little girl and seeing my smile, her adoring father picked her up. I took a few shots from just a few feet away before blending back into the crowd. Taken with my old OM2n and Ilford HP5. Uncropped apart from a bit of stray sky at the top.

Having read Hamish's updated post about photographers and suspicion, I thought of this image. Perhaps I'm lucky, as a small female I tend to get away with it, but I have run into trouble once or twice. I wish I knew the answer. Perhaps a smile and the offer of a business type card might help allay any fears, but I hate the way the world is going... :(

Lovely shot, and demonstration of how an approach can be seen as non-threatening

I try to be open and charming - I use the British accent as a tool to open up the opportunity, people think I must be a tourist so are generally pleasant and helpful.

So far so good - I think sometimes we limit ourselves far more than society would limit us.
I know what you mean about street photography Lesley. Im never very comfortable with it myself and still struggle to figurte out a good/bad photo un this genre of our hobby.

You have that one done pretty well tho :)