Street - Tate Modern

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
If this doesn't make your eyes go funny, I don't know what will. Taken a couple of years ago when they still had light inside the Tate Modern. When Ron and I were there in January it was pitch dark. No colourful lights and the turbine hall had been blocked off at one end.

I wasn't particularly taken with the exhibits, but on my way out I spotted this on the escalator. I grabbed a shot, but it was hard to focus with all the glass. It was the only one I got though. Several trips up and down and the camera wouldn't perform again. Worse... the security guards were taking a keen interest in my activities, so I headed for the exit :D

It's difficult to explain. The escalator is obviously going down and in the glass at the front you can see some of those using it. The bit with silver floor is real and can be seen because the entire surround of the escalator is glass. However, some of those people on the upper level are also reflected to the left and right (and a few are reflected on both sides). On the wooden floor are the people on the lower level who have just left the escalator. I have to admit that even I can't figure out the small reflected people sitting down on the lower right hand side...

This was only colour corrected with a slight boost in colour and a bit of tonal contrast to enhance the reflections. No computer trickery at all :)
Oh Wow ! I remember you telling me about this when we were
there but I didn't ( couldn't have ) envision this. How you do this
is beyond me but this is perfect :)
Bummer about the camera not working on the retry but you only
needed the one anyway. Well doon Zooey.