Sub-concious Stance

How many times had he seen that poster out of the corner of his eye?


Leica M9 + 35mm Leica Summilux M. ISO 160, 1/125s at f1:8.0. PP in LR and Nik ColorFX 4.
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Its got a very cold and wintry feel about it, this shot. The color palate is nicely subdued yet the poster column pops out in the red. I'm guessing that poster has something to do with the memorial to the murdered Jews, and so the red standing out as it does reminds me of the famous scene of the little girl in the red coat in Schindler's List. Nice shot, Pete.
The colours are very emotional, somehow, not sure why. A melancholy seriousness, perhaps. The lines are good - trees framing the guy, concrete leading in towards the main characters.

It is amazing to think of what we subconsciously register...