Sunday morning.

Worth the effort, I'd say, for both the walk and the object of the walk. I find these things to be quite beautiful, and practically beneficial, or beneficially practical...
I agree, I think they are elegant things, happy to see one nearby. First of three I believe. Subject of heated debate locally, the council rejected the planning application, but were overruled by the govt.
A very nice series, Dave and I like the processing a lot. I too have no great objection to them, but it does depend where to some extent. There are some wild landscapes which i would prefer to see left as-is. They are a common sight in Germany, especially in Lower Saxony.
Thank you Pete. Processing was mainly a matter of tweaking the levels, think I have finally figured out how to photograph skies properly - and about time too. :D

I agree, there are places where they do not belong. What annoys me is people who complain about fossil fuels and want more green energy while protesting against every proposal to build anything, anywhere, at the same time; they need to make their minds up.
I like your series Dave which you did well. The windmills however, is a different matter and do pollute noise wise as well as have no huge significance for producing electricity unless they are many. Solar panels on rooftops on each household would do significantly better. Nature even here in Norway are met by these awful installations and birds and other wildlife are affected by it too. Sorry for my lecture. And besides, Germany does not need them Pete. All you have to do is to import electricity from Norway.:D
Love the tones and colours you have here Dave. As for the wind catchers as mentioned it depends how close you are as people I know who have them next door find them noisy, yet they do have a majestic presence. I like nice woolly jumper to keep warm until needs must. which will become more of the case. Having had a smart meter installed this summer I was taken aback just how much C02 emission there is from using mains gas.
Thank you for the comments. Yes, they are devisive, the love them and hate them camps are both digging in and entrenching their positions. A second one has gone up this week, one more to come. The nearest houses are at least 400 meters away. Not thougth about CO2 from mains gas, I have a gas boiler for water and central heating.