
Of the three I like the last one the best; I think it's the best composition. Some nice detail in the feathering and the water is interesting with it's movement and reflection. is this late evening light Rob?
The parky wasn't too keen on my dumping lots of oil on the water, but I explained it was in the cause of Art. He immediately became very supportive.

I too like the comp on the second, though I wish the eye was red...
OK, OK,I I give in. Absolutely a fine camera that shot a very nice set of swans, never mind the shooter. Very well done. Now how many Merrills do you have by now Rob?
Fifty! OK, just two, but a third will arrive in two or three weeks. Then the Sigma Quatro will come out, and the publicity will make me believe I have the worst cameras in the world, and I must sell them as soon as possible!
The latest camera from Sigma, which is about to appear on the market. This is why the Merrills have been reduced in price, and will be discontinued soon. The Quatro will come in three fixed-lens sizes, like the Merrills, but will be a million times better, or something like that. They will also be a lot more expensive, so start saving, Ivar!
Third for me Rob of a good set. Not easy these swan's being so white. I suspect that water is quite oily seeing the neck being so mucky.