The Advance I

Nature sweeps in to claim it back.


Leica M9 + 18mm Zeiss Distagon M f1:4.0. ISO 400, 1/500s at f1:4.0. PP in LR, PS and Nik ColorFX Pro 4.
Pete, your photos are like buses - none for ages, then loads at once. Welcome, nonetheless.

I'm trying, and failing, to join the words Terrific and Triffids...but you know what I'm talking about. Decay is opportunity - now, that sounds like something George Orwell would come up with. I'm tired. Just back from a Grand Day Out: Lee Miller (mainly her shots of Picasso - a fantastic exhibition) followed by Mr Holmes (Ian McKellan as the ancient and doddery detective, tidying up life's loose ends - a slow, melancholic and beautiful film) and a meal in a restaurant, followed by a near two-mile walk home. Great to come home to new Askew pictures, hot off the press!