The Albatros Departs

Arona is probably more appealing in daylight than at night ( Took a walk this morning in the wonderful early autumn light after breakfast before returning to the hotel to work before my meeting this afternoon. Took a short break to process a couple of images.


Leica M9 + Leica 35mm Sumilux M f1:1.4. ISO160, 1/1000s at f1:5.6. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX 4.
Still no beer! (You are clearly being ornery!) o_O

Lovely colors. I almost missed the wee man at the end of the jetty. Once I saw him he perfectly completed the image for me. Very cool, Pete.
Thanks Brian - no beer yet today, I was working - mind, I've finished now!

Actually, he was caused me to stop. I watched him walk down the jetty in his uniform and wanted to get him directing the action but the boat (out of frame) came in on the other side.