The Beauty of Rubbish

Excellent! The second looks like a monster - very funny. The comp in the first couldn't be improved. And the reflection in the glass is perfect. Really like these, Paul.
Well done Paul there is something good about the detritus that belies our streets, but puzzled by the last the vehicle licence plate is not UK so???
Is liking pics of rubbish odd? Not in this case...well done Paul. Also...when I moved away from the Boston area people used to make fun of me calling it rubbish. The term is used less and less these days as people move around so much...and mostly call it trash. Now that I'm back's rubbish again.
I am still discovering terms that mean different things in the US to the UK. During my last trip to Houston I found out that a fanny is a term for a bum (bottom, rear, posterior, not a tramp BTW). For those that don't know in the UK the fanny is the orifice around the opposite side on the front. Good to know, that one could have caused a hell of a bedroom faux par.