The Colors of the Sun

Detlef Kuhl

Well-Known Member
Last weekend we had the long night of sciences here. We visited the Telegrafen-Berg in Potsdam, a place for astrophysics and the German research center for GeoSciences today. The place was established in the 1870th.

20150613_079.jpg by d ql844, auf Flickr
The spectrum of the sun light on film, taken with the spectrograph of the Einsteinturm. The film was placed in the Einsteinturm for demo purpose. The Einsteinturm carries a sun telescope and spectrograph used for sun observation.

20150613_062-Bearbeitet.jpg by d ql844, auf Flickr
Einsteinturm taken out of the building "Grosser Refraktor", with heavy rain.