The look that says.....

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
..."Do you have the Discover card with you? I'm about to get into some kind of trouble that may or may not require a trip to the Emergency Vet." See photo #2. Photo #1 is the "What is taking you so long, there is stuff down there I need to be doing" look.

Actually after Sunday night when Stanley and Ruby got sprayed by a skunk, tonight was rather uneventful. Stanley did decide the best way back to the car was through this field with really tall weeds, thorn bushes, lots of those little white stickers that require you pull your leg hairs out by the follicle to remove, and looking at my calf what appears to be poison ivy. I'm not sure on the poison ivy since I also have multiple lacerations from the thorns, so I could just be projecting..... Technically he was right. It was faster that way as the crow flies...... [banghead]