Peter Roberts
Well-Known Member
(Prompted by Rob's recent Head Shots post.)
In Graham Green's wartime novel The Ministry of Fear the protagonist, Arthur Rowe, wins a cake at a charity fête. After which, as the blurb on the back of my old Penguin copy puts it, 'from that moment he was the quarry of malign and shadowy forces.....'

MInolta XD7 / Rokkor 45mm f2 / Yellow filter / Tri-X / Rodinal
This image has had an outing on 35mmc so some may have already seen it.
In Graham Green's wartime novel The Ministry of Fear the protagonist, Arthur Rowe, wins a cake at a charity fête. After which, as the blurb on the back of my old Penguin copy puts it, 'from that moment he was the quarry of malign and shadowy forces.....'

MInolta XD7 / Rokkor 45mm f2 / Yellow filter / Tri-X / Rodinal
This image has had an outing on 35mmc so some may have already seen it.