Critique Welcomed The Ministry of Fear

Peter Roberts

Well-Known Member
(Prompted by Rob's recent Head Shots post.)

In Graham Green's wartime novel The Ministry of Fear the protagonist, Arthur Rowe, wins a cake at a charity fête. After which, as the blurb on the back of my old Penguin copy puts it, 'from that moment he was the quarry of malign and shadowy forces.....'

IMG_0017 - Copy.jpg
MInolta XD7 / Rokkor 45mm f2 / Yellow filter / Tri-X / Rodinal

This image has had an outing on 35mmc so some may have already seen it.
Me too! I love how the cakes are hinted at in the shadows. And the footsteps can almost be heard.

Definitely a book cover contender!
Peter, very "fellinesque", I like this a lot !
Thanks Julian. I glad it made a cinematographic impression for you.
As soon as I saw the negative the image looked like a film still to me. More prosiac than you I immediately thought The Third Man. From there the Graham Greene connection followed.