Alessio Brinati Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2015 #1 This is the palace of civilization, Eur - Rome the phrase carved in marble reads: "A nation of poets of artists of heroes of saints of thinkers of scientists of navigators of transmigrators" Sony A7 + Konica 40 AR
This is the palace of civilization, Eur - Rome the phrase carved in marble reads: "A nation of poets of artists of heroes of saints of thinkers of scientists of navigators of transmigrators" Sony A7 + Konica 40 AR
Pete Askew Admin Nov 23, 2015 #2 Wonderfully striking, Alessio. Although it lacks the impossible geometry, it reminds me of the etchings of MC Escher.
Wonderfully striking, Alessio. Although it lacks the impossible geometry, it reminds me of the etchings of MC Escher.