The Pentland(s) Rising

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
Pentland Hills rising above Edinburgh, taken from Lower Largo, Fife.

Title is play on words from the short story by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Pentland Rising: A Page of History, 1666, which was an account of the Covenanters rebellion against their persecution from the incumbent Monarch...


Nice shot, Dougie! with the foreground tapering away to the left! and the birds moving towards the centre. The rest is nice too! Can't quite see my hoose, though!
Dougie, once again a superb Image and you have an ability to show the scale of the landscape wonderfully. The far hills/ mountains have a huge presence yet do not dominate the foreground. Superb balance.
Dougie, once again a superb Image and you have an ability to show the scale of the landscape wonderfully. The far hills/ mountains have a huge presence yet do not dominate the foreground. Superb balance.
Thanks Julian...

I'm sure that the focal length of 135mm plays a big part, compressing the perspective and having a narrow field-of-view...