Paul Taylor
Well-Known Member
I watch a photographer on YouTube (Willem Verbeeck) and he has made a few videos about trying to find and photograph failing LED streetlights in LA. I live in Phoenix and they are pretty common here as I think the weather leads to them failing. Apparently the coating on them fails and causes them to go intensely purple.
On my way to work I finally seen one that might make an interesting photoscene so I took some pictures with my favorite 35mm (Contax RX) and just some Kodak Gold 200. I noticed in Willem's videos the difference in amount of purple in reality and film was drastic - and he usually shoots Portra. I was curious to see if using a different stock would do anything (it didn't.) I might try some Infrared B&W just to see what that looks like since apparently some of the light spectrum is out of range of color emulsion film.
Anyways here are a couple cell phone shots that are quite close to how intensely purple the light is via eyeball :
It is interesting how it has a black-light effect on the lettering on the Contax.
And here it is on film :
This was mixed between the purple light and a normal "warm" street light :
On my way to work I finally seen one that might make an interesting photoscene so I took some pictures with my favorite 35mm (Contax RX) and just some Kodak Gold 200. I noticed in Willem's videos the difference in amount of purple in reality and film was drastic - and he usually shoots Portra. I was curious to see if using a different stock would do anything (it didn't.) I might try some Infrared B&W just to see what that looks like since apparently some of the light spectrum is out of range of color emulsion film.
Anyways here are a couple cell phone shots that are quite close to how intensely purple the light is via eyeball :

It is interesting how it has a black-light effect on the lettering on the Contax.
And here it is on film :

This was mixed between the purple light and a normal "warm" street light :