And smelly feet You know feet get smellier in sandals than shoes, I've always found this to be odd. Nearly sandal season as well.Thanks, Julian. I've missed your sandals...
One day some fool will invent smellavision for computers, iPads, phones, etc, at which point I will become a fully paid up member of the Luddite Party.
I've been suffering from plantar fasciitis these last couple of months, which gives me great pain in my left foot, extending up my leg and, at the worst times, my neck and shoulders. Nothing compared to what you go through, Julian, but it does stop me going for long walks. I can get the bus to the botanics or into town, and I'm probably good for twenty to thirty minutes' walking, so I can still take concentrated photography trips. My GP said it often lasts a year or two, which is depressing. But then I think of our brave Julian, out on boats, down in the harbour when the water is out, etc, and I become resolute that nothing will stop me taking photos.
My paintings are not good Rob and I dont mind saying so, yes they stink. I am though very good at making things which sadly is harder these days. I do try nevertheless within the restriction.You should share images of your paintings, Julian. I'd love to see them.
I think doing art (in its broadest sense) is more important than the outcome. Just as well! It's merely a way of spending part of your life, engaging with the weirdness of it, at least for me life is certainly weird. Sharing it with others brings in a social aspect, the occasional encouraging word (given or received) helps smooth out the edges a little. And somehow we drift on towards the inevitable. I would only be concerned if one day I gave up engaging with the weirdness of it all. What then? So, whatever you are doing, Julian, it's just good to know that you and others are out there doing something, even if it is just occasionally.