Pete Askew
Taken through the very dirty window of a Czech train running between Hamburg and Budapest just outside of Dresden while stopped for a few minutes on the way between Berlin and Prague last Monday. I didn't bother with the Leica because of the filthy windows but decided to grab a shot withe the Ricoh GR Digital. What I didn't notice when I took the first shot was that it was on Macro mode and so it focused on the dirt and not on the scene beyond. I realised and then took the shot I'd intended but when I reviewed them I actually preferred the other. And I liked the dirt and so I took a few more during the journey exploiting both the dirt and the blur caused by the motion of the train.
Ricoh GR Digital III. PP in LR4, PS and Nik.
Ricoh GR Digital III. PP in LR4, PS and Nik.