The storm of the century!

Fidel Marcus

Well-Known Member
get ready for the storm of the century, no not rain or clouds just X-class flares & coronal mass ejections shooting out of the sun, gibberish sounding yah? in laymen terms the sun is launching a nuclear war and it has us in it's croos-hairs.
The good; beautiful aurora borealis at both poles, the bad; possibly killing our precious cellular networks or worse damaging the power grid, oh how wonderful and hostile the cosmos can be sometimes :D
So is anyone here located near the poles where they can capture & share with us beautiful photos of the Auroras?


Solar Storms - Photo Gallery - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
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I'd love to see some aurora shots!
A serious ambition of mine is to see and photograph an aurora!

Who need mobile phones??? (he says typeing on one ;))