Thanks, all. I was too lazy to go over to the studio to scan them and so just popped them onto the preview screen on the projector and took a picture with the RX100. The ones taken with Ilfochrome look quite like the way I tend to render colour these days even before editing (maybe that is where it comes from) but I did run them through LR / Nik.
This is taken from one of the viewing platforms erected in West Berlin so that the curious could gaze into the East. In this case, the platform is somewhere near Potsdamer Platz and you can see the no-man's land between the two sections of wall diving East from West. This strip was mined, sometime patrolled by dogs and often equipped with automatic machine guns. There were watch-towers positioned at regular intervals. The bit of road you can would have been what became trapped when the 'wall' was first built in '61. In some cases cars and parts of buildings lay in that zone. Th lights would have been to prevent any night-time 'excursions' from East the West. It really was a threatening and haunting experience to see this and going through Check Point Charlie was even more so - closed glass cubical for the passport check, money transfer and interview, then the zig-zag corridor with machine guns poking out of slots in case you made a run for it!