The Waterfall Diaries ...Part 1

Davie Hudson

Well-Known Member
“I’m a waterfall chaser” I tell people when they ask what I most like taking photographs of, And of course being Scottish helps immensely in this task.I’m not sure what it is about running water that I love so much, maybe it’s the drama of it all, maybe it’s the inevitability that water will find a way, maybe it’s the journey I take to get to many of these falls, the danger of the climb ? .....


The Waterfall Diaries, Reekie Linn | Holiday Scotland
Nice Davie, you are lucky to have such wonderful features and locations, the only falling water down this way is either from the tap or from the sky.....keep chasing
Nice Davie, you are lucky to have such wonderful features and locations, the only falling water down this way is either from the tap or from the sky.....keep chasing

I am very lucky Kev, a fact that has never been lost on me and I often wonder what kind of photographer I would be if I lived elsewhere because, let's be honest , with scenery of the likes I have within a couple of hours I don't have to work very hard to get a good shot
When I want to find a particular landmark or a waterfall, or anything in fact, I resort to an ordanance survey map and grap may cam bag, and go. Which admittedly, i am a demon at navigation. :)
Is this how you come to find all these amazing waterfalls? Or do you walk out of your house and there's a hand full in front of you? Lol.
When I want to find a particular landmark or a waterfall, or anything in fact, I resort to an ordanance survey map and grap may cam bag, and go. Which admittedly, i am a demon at navigation. :)
Is this how you come to find all these amazing waterfalls? Or do you walk out of your house and there's a hand full in front of you? Lol.
lol, a lot of times someone will mention a falls they have seen and roughly where it is, i then go and research it and find out as much detail as i can... other times i will be out and about on my way somewhere else and just find them and it's the case of slamming on the brakes, reversing and seeing what can be done with it :) a bit haphazard i know but it seems to work
Fair play Davie, I wish there was a few to choose from around Worcester :(
Fair play Davie, I wish there was a few to choose from around Worcester :(

it's just what we have, for example ... tomorrow i'm leaving dundee at about 4.30am to go to the Isle of Skye and over the course of the day i could get shots of at least 10 waterfalls, and countless mini ones, all to be featured in the waterfall diaries
Rub it in Davie, rub it in! :p :D :D
Right, I'm on a mission. To find a waterfall in Worcester..... Determined to find one now :) :)
Haha! I think I remember where there may be one, a small one Dan but who said it's got to be 'Une grande Cascade'??

Oh and did I say where it is???? NO? oh damn it I run out of t>>.......>* :D:D
Hahahaha!!? Tell me tell me tell!!!! Pwease! Kevhwan, don't do this to me . Lol
It has now become a secret mission to find but sadly this one falls just outside of the boundary as it's not in Worcester, but I'm still not telling :P.......
This here 'Lost Waterfall of Worcester' doesn't happen to flow from the Fountain of Youth does it? There isn't some sort of mystical ceremony that requires the sacrifice of a figure 'surrounded by light' being involved by any chance?... It's all getting a bit suspicious if you ask me. Gangs of young acolytes, a fascination with invading armies and fire and now trying to tempt an innocent young man to waste his youth on a fruitless quest!! - OK, the last bit hasn't gone so well I admit, Dan fell for it. But...
Well, if you tell the 'light mummy' where it is...... :) :) :D
You can't dangle the sausage in front of a dogs nose and not give it him...... Lol
Would it help if I was meant to say Worcestershire rather than Worcester?? Or am I digging?!? Lol