The Willy Wag Tails are getting into the Christmas decorations... (literally)

I think this would be a great shot if you can catch them with the lights on...that dec will have to stay now you know, you can't disturb a nesting bird ;)
I hope so too, Pete!
They don't seem to be in there at night yet, Kev. Hopefully they are as the nest gets bigger.. I think it would make for a lovely shot also lol.
Yes, it seems the chrismas ball is staying! :D
Cheers Tom(:
Haha, yeh no chance it being ice at this time of year. The wind was blowing today and they were both just sitting in there with it rocking haha. I went to grab my camera but they were gone again when i came back.. I will keep documenting their progress :)
Very nicely captured...... Looking forward to more :)
Doesn't it feel strange sticking up Christmas deco up out there? I mean, it's the hottest time of the year out there isn't it?? Lol
Lol it is the hottest time of the year.. But it doesn't feel weird at all lol. I know nothing different to a scortching hot christmas. they are the best actually!! You get up.. spend they day with family. Swimming, drinking, eating, playing backyard cricket, the afternoon nap lol :D I cant imagine christmas in winter.. here that would be depressing :/ lol.. not even any snow! no beach.. being stuck inside because it'd be cold and rainy.. oh wow.. :( lol
Can't argue with that. Lol. I suppose at the end of the day you've spent Christmas in the hot weather since you came to existence, so really, to you that's the norm... Lol. Are you the only one on this forum thats in the southern hemisphere??......
Have you ever had snow?? Or been in snow? :)
Haha yeah. I love it :)
Hmm i'm not sure.. wasnt there a Kiwi around here at one stage? (: lol..
Well.. it's never snowed in my town. I've only seen snow once in my life. In january of this year when I was in Japan. Ithink it's amazing!! We were all so excited when we got to Kyoto and there was snow everywhere :D none of us had seen it before lol. It was on New years eve lol.. We were trecking our way up this hill covered in compacted snow with thousands of people making their way to this temple.. it was cray! lol. I managed to slip over a total of 5 times :D twice on the way up and thress times on the way down :D :D once in front of a taxi... that was kinda scary lol. But still.. snow is awesome! :D