Thou shall not pass!!

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Rob has posted a new thread and reminded me that I forgot to post one very similar!
Great minds thinking alike I say! :) getting up close and personal with these beauties is something to be wary off.... But achievable.

Taken with the fisheye.... So very close in this case.
Only got one shot out of it or it would of been broken glass! :/


Thanks for looking :)
"Thou Shalt Not Pass" My mantra when I played fitba competitively.:o

Even though it's heed is at a right angle, it looks like its giving you the evil eye. (Which, I guess makes sense since their eyes are in the side of the heeds.) Great shot, Dan.
I nearly got that close once a couple of years ago but the Swan didn't want its picture taken...
... It didn't hurt when it went for me but it give me a fright and didn't half get my heart pumping[stalkeyes]...

Of course my wife was Pi$$ing herself laughing and saying "It serves you right you should have left it alone:rolleyes:"