Touch 'n' Go

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
A bit of a departure for me here, but returning home from our visit to the Moray coast, we passed RAF Lossiemouth where this noisy bugger was doing what I'm reliably informed are "touch and go" manoeuvres...

Why they bother carrying ordnance is beyond me, the whole area was shaking and the noise was deafening...!

Touch 'n' Go by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
the airbase by me does those. i've been told each pass counts towards their number of landings and take offs, but i'm not sure.

the lights really pop out against the dark blues and blacks. i like the contrail that you caught too.
Douglas, I think you have created something excellent from something that was good in the first place. it really does have a touch of menace about it and the two little bits of light/flame really make it.