Two More Students Photos

Thanks, Paul. All these people love their instruments. Buying a new guitar, or especially your first guitar, is a special moment in one's life. You quickly form a bond with it. Yes, there will be much frustration along the way, but lots of joy and intense pleasure as well. So, I think musicians holding their instruments is always a great subject for photography.

Often the instruments themselves are very photogenic. But it is what you don't see - the sound - which is missing from the still image, but which connects the player to the instrument, which is the prime mover in all of this. The photograph is an attempt to capture the feel of the sound into a mute image.

Or something like that...
Well I think you've come pretty damned close to achieving all of that with the shot of Jake. Superb. I also like the joy in the first - but he's far to happy to play the blues surely. You can just tell that his woman and his dog ain't gone' left him! I bet he's even got a job! ;)
Ha! Yes, he has a job, a beautiful wife and a dog, none of whom show any signs of wanting to move on. As his teacher, I'll have to find some way of screwing up his life, making him utterly miserable, all in the interests of his musical development, of course.

Thanks for the comment re Jake. He is a very photogenic guy. The beauty of this shot might lie in his being half deaf. Seriously. He listens harder, and hears things I miss. He hears differently, and with intensity.
Rob...these shots make me happy...and want to actually take on a life long secret wish to learn how to play. I'm just probably too old...
I LOVE the first one! The lighting on the guitar is awesome, it may just be a coloured edging to the guitar, but I'm just going with lighting lol.
Jake is on a different level of living here. Beautifully done, Rob. I think beyond the cafe shows and play togethers, this has a potential of becoming a beautiful and meaningful photo book. Something like "Hearing Through the Camera - Images of my Students Playing the Guitar". :)
Glenn - You are never too old. I have students in their 70s who are just starting. They can get great pleasure from learning a few chords, a little bit of improv. Do it NOW :cool:

Adam - there is indeed white edging around the body of the guitar and the fretboard. But it takes a great photographer to get it to pop out like that. I spent several days setting up the shot, kept running out of battery power, and so did the camera :p

Nihat - who knows where it will lead. I'm enjoying bringing together three of my passions: music, photography and teaching.

I'm not sure if my students 'get' my take on portraiture in this series...hopefully some of them will.