Two Portra Conversions

Thanks for bumping it. Meant to comment yesterday but got distracted. The first and 3rd images I like. Not sure what to make of number 2, however. My first thought about the set was that I'd like to see the color versions, too. And, conversely, I'd like to see the 3rd fotie in B&W. (Edinburgh by Rob just doesn't seem right in color.) That's a fascinating house, by the way. (I'm guessing it's one home, though it could be two or three flats.)
Thanks, Brian. Some cities are just not meant to be seen in colour, and Edinburgh is one of them, for sure. The colour versions are probably fine, but I've never been confident with colour shots. I might upload them later, but prefer the b&w versions for now. The house probably is broken into flats, I'm not really sure, most places are these days. I like the softness of the flower in the first, and that became more so in b&w.
Personally, I like the building in colour, good one. What an unusual mismatch of materials and styles in one building, I guess it would have an interesting history.