Un-staged Elk

I think I remember you mentioning the possibility of shooting with a 35mm or a 50mm on your Leica. Was that you Gary? Either way you look pretty close to these elk. (We have one elk on the island here. No one knows how he got here, either by swimming or walking over the bridge, but he is rather famous locally, having been here now for years. We wouldn't get this close to him because he can be irritable and is liable to charge, especially in rutting season. I have video of him walking up the middle of our street, magnificent and majestic in his full set of antlers.)
Was that you Gary?
Yes, this is from that first roll through the Leica IIIc with the 50/2 collapsible Summicron on HP5+. These elk had wandered into town and they were grazing in a playground. I pulled my car into a parking area right next to the playground and quietly walked over to a wall that mostly hid me from them. I stuck my head out a snapped off a few. There were a number of other folks watching (you can see 2 in the background). Here's another view. You can see from the wet tennis courts that it was a soggy afternoon and this playground is only a block off the main street. I don't like the focus on this one as much as the first.12 - small.jpg