Vivitar PN2011 with Pinhole Modification

Brian Moore


This was probably about a 6 second exposure.

More about the camera can be found here:

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Care to tell do us a bit of a tutorial on the mods matey?
... if you spot one for sale anywhere, let me know, i'm keen to have a play myself!
Thank you. The instructables article is good but I think I did not follow exactly the instructions. Anyway, it was a bit trial and error to get the camera to function in such a way that I could expose the film and then wind the film on with the winder (the original design prevents winding when the lens cover is closed--I retained the lens cover to act as my shutter). Once I figured that out it was clear sailing. So now I can run a 24 or 36 roll through the camera without difficulty. I imagine many of the plastic P&S 35mm cams can be similarly modified.
What should i pay for one ... anything that gets touted as a LOMO camera seems to add **** loads to the price.. any idea what they would have been new?
I don't know what such things typically cost in UK. Here, in USA, I'd go up to 5 or 6 dollars but I wouldn't pay more. (And that would have to be a very good clean one.) And I'd only pay that much for a Vivi PN2011 since I know a little about that camera. Any other P&S that I planned to mod I'd pay no more than 2 or 3 dollars. These things are just plastic with tiny lenses so they're not worth much. There are tons of cheap plastic P&S cameras at 2nd hand shops in USA. I'd suggest to look at that kind of place for one Hamish.