Its good that I can appreciate this photographs more easily than I can pronounce it. I really like the way you have composed this Davie. You may not smile often but your joy comes out in your photography.
I like his Davie.. There's something about the woods that really appeals to me. As a child I used to have this nightmare being lost in a really dense pine wood, I'd approach this mound and out popped a wolf that woke me up..... every time (strange I know.... But look who I am today). This occurred from the days grandad took us around the Schwartzwald (Black Forest) when I lived in Germany. I'm yet to be let loose around the nearest sense 'forest' area around me which is the Forest of Dean to recreate this image. I love that place, it's so beautiful.... As wells as this you have displayed.
I do find myself wondering through woods and choose to take that path... rather than the path, pitch black and a torch after a nightly bike ride. The hairs on the back of my neck are practically ripping themselves out the are that much of a stand. Quite easy to do now.
Facing fears I guess.
Thanks guys I can't remember the quote but the general gist is there is a massive difference between being alone and being lonely . My pictures are always deliberately devoid of people... Funnily enough I was talking about this on Facebook last night, I would like to combine my outdoor life and do people shots ... Vintage inspired and outdoorsy
interesting image, can't tell if it's a photo or a painting. nicely done. even devoid of people it doesn't feel lonely to me, too bright and colorful for that.
I love it Davie and I think it conveys the feeling very well. And it does look like a bit like a painting. It also has a slightly artificial or dream state feel to it that I like. Capturing the feeling of a person in such an environment would be superb - not quite voyeuristic but similar. Is that what you had in mind @Davie Hudson?
I liked the way both the trees and 'path' lead you into an unknown, despite the feeling of being alone, was I? what is beyond those trees ? what ever you want to be